BIG MOM 從小夢想開一家蛋糕店,不是因為自己愛吃蛋糕,而是喜歡看人吃了美味蛋糕進而露出幸福的笑容。因為不是學餐飲出身,所以畢業後花了幾年的時間進修,專研杯子蛋糕,目的為了做出可以傳遞幸福笑容的手工杯子蛋糕。也在很多朋友的鼓勵下,終於在 2017 年 8 月正式於嘉義家樂福夜市成立 BIG MOM CUPCAKE。 BIG MOM 也期待往後的每一天可以分享各位朋友因為杯子蛋糕而露出的幸福笑容。 Being a Cupcake baker has been one of BIG Mom’s dreams since she was young. It does not mean she loves to eat cupcakes, but she loves to see a smile of mometary happiness when people have a delicious and well-looked cupcake. BIG MOM has been dedicated herself to learning how to make this kind of cupcakes. Eventually, with many friends’ encouragement, BIG MOM made a bold decision to open her first cupcake shop, named BIG MOM CUPCAKE, at Carrefour Night Market in Chiayi City in August of 2017. BIG MOM will be expecting toyou’re your smiles of happiness on her handmade cupcakes. 為了能夠看到更多的幸福笑容, BIG MOM 決定親自挑選上等的食材及品質保障的原料,採當天製作及限量的方式,提供好吃、新鮮及不同造型的杯子蛋糕。傾聽是讓 BIG MOM 進步的原動力,歡迎朋友們在品嚐 BIG MOM 精心製作杯子蛋糕的同時,也可以不吝賜與 BIG MOM 分享你們寶貴的意見與建議,讓 BIG MOM 可以成長茁壯,創意滿滿。 All of BIG MOM’s cupcakes are made of the best material chosen by herself and are made in limited quantity, to ensure every homemade cupcake is fresh and yummy. Listening is the first step to the improvement, so please do not hesitate to share your opinions and suggestions on BIG MOM’s cupcakes. It will make BIG MOM stay innovative and grow. BIG MOM 就是要做出可以傳遞幸福笑容的手工杯子蛋糕,歡迎各位朋友在拿到杯子蛋糕的同時,不要忘記帶著幸福的笑容與 BIG MOM 的杯子蛋糕合照並分享到 BIG MOM CUPCAKE的粉絲專頁! BIG MOM aims to make a cupcake that can pass a smile of happiness onto people’s face. Please do not forget to share your smiles on BIG MOM’s cupcake on the fan page of BIG MOM CUPCAKE. 你們的笑容將是BIG MOM 滿滿的動力喲~ Although the smile of mometary happiness will disappear from your face, the moment will stay with BIG MOM. Your smiles will motivate BIG MOM to make more cupcakes.

BIG MOM CUPCAKE elérhetősége


Cím: 東區興中街165號, Chiayi 600

BIG MOM CUPCAKE nyitvatartás

  • Hétfő 13:00 - 21:00 Nyitva
  • Kedd 13:00 - 21:00
  • Szerda 13:00 - 21:00
  • Csütörtök 13:00 - 21:00
  • Péntek 13:00 - 21:00
  • Szombat 13:00 - 21:00
  • Vasárnap 13:00 - 21:00

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大媽依稀記得 佩佩豬也是我們熱賣商品之一☺️
不知道你們的小寶貝看到這家 佩佩豬終點站

BIG MOM CUPCAKE, 2020.04.29.
