鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant

European Restaurant French Restaurant Modern European Restaurant
Fine dining是一種藝術。每種蔬菜,肉類或香料都經過精心挑選,品種繁多。當黎主廚準備菜餚時,她會特別注意和激情,充分利用它,最細微的細節。餐廳的名稱是反映這一想法的比喻:Fleur de Sel是完美的整理,在廚師的才能和客戶的期望相遇之前,最後的關注。 Fleur de Sel字面意思是法語中的鹽。它的名字是其花卉圖案的參考,通過海水的蒸發獲得的形狀。它以其美味和餐廳微妙的味道和價值而聞名。 主廚黎俞君從事廚藝工作已有 30 年時間, 曾任職台北凱悅飯店及台中長榮桂冠酒店, 她不僅是中台灣第一位出身五星級飯店的女廚師,也是第一位從事法式料理的女廚師。 喜歡不斷學習與接受挑戰的黎俞君不但學法文,也在巴黎待了一年半的時間,除了實際接觸法國文化,亦參加法國名廚 Joel Robuchon 開辦的廚藝研習課程,以及 Le notre 專業廚師研習班,帶回了十多張研習證書。 如今的黎俞君不但說一口流利的法文, 對法式料理更充滿了狂熱,她說: 「如果你喜愛法國,你一定會愛吃我的菜!」 Fleur de Sel Fine dining is an art of precision. Each vegetable, piece of meat or spice is carefully selected among a wide range of varieties. When Chef Li Yu-Chung prepares the dishes, she gives special attention and passion to make the most of it, down to the tiniest detail. The name of the restaurant is a metaphor that reflects this thought: the Fleur de Sel is the perfect finishing touche, a last attention before the encounter between the Chef’s talents and the client’s expectations. Fleur de Sel literally means Flower of Salt in French. It name is a reference to its flower pattern, shape obtained by the evaporation of the seawater. It is renowned for its delicacy and the subtlety in taste, values conveyed by the restaurant. 希望喜歡鹽之華法式餐廳的您,不吝給我們留下寶貴留言唷!! We look forward to welcoming you !

鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant contact


address: 西屯區市政路581-1號, Taichung, Taiwan 407


On the street

鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant opening hours

  • Monday close
  • Tuesday close
  • Wednesday 18:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Friday 18:00 - 22:30
  • Saturday 12:00 - 15:00, 18:00 - 22:30
  • Sunday 12:00 - 15:00, 18:00 - 22:30

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$$$ high price

鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant facebook posts

The wonders of Spring ~
Fire roasted white asparagus with caviar and cheese.


鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant, 2020.03.01.

Did you know that white asparagus grow in a complete sun deprivation ? Making them the vampire of the vegetable world come to discover their sweet flavor , they have just landed in our kitchen ...springtime has arrived


鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant, 2020.02.26.

Happy Valentine’s Day
If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers...️️

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


鹽之華法式餐廳 Fleur de Sel Restaurant, 2020.02.12.


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